Regulatory reporting is the submission of data to a relevant authority in order to demonstrate compliance with the necessary regulatory provisions. In simpler terms, it is the process businesses and individuals must continually go through to show they are following all the rules.

Financial reporting is becoming challenging gradually due to the ramification of business ambiance and transactions. This is further intensified by the notable rapid changes in financial reporting standards in various jurisdictions which ultimately compelling the organizations to report their financial and non-financial (e.g., Environmental, Social, Ethical, and Governance, etc.) issues in a timely, understandable and accurate manner. Our Accounting Advisory team is focused on helping our clients to adopt and implement international accounting standards (IAS) in maintaining their books and records as well as to comply with the new or revised accounting standards. We also take on the accounting functions of small and medium-sized entities who find it difficult to procure the technology and resources to maintain proper books and records. Our services can be broadly categorized into:

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption and conversion services

Financial Accounting and Reporting Assistance

End-to-End Book Keeping Services (Strategic Outsourcing)

Payroll Services (Strategic Outsourcing)

Our Accounting Advisory team is highly dedicated, trained, and well versed with the requirements of IFRS and local Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The expertise of the team also encompasses technical knowledge, regulatory knowledge, project management, and enhancement competencies along with complex event and transaction understanding. In addition, we also conduct periodic training on changes in accounting standards and new requirements which come about from time to time.

Regulatory Reporting

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We can serve your regulatory reporting need in the following areas:

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